Ayurveda is the science of life which deals with advantages and disadvantages as well as the happy and unhappy status of life along with what is good & bad for life, its measurement & the life itself. Ayurveda believes that positive health is the basis for attaining four cherished good of life viz. Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. All these four goals cannot be achieved without sound positive health. Positive health is defined as Dosha Dhatu Samya (wellbalanced metabolism), Prasanna Atma Indriya Manah (happy state of the soul, senses & the mind).

According to Ayurveda, everything in Universe is made of the Panchamahabhutas (five basic elements of life) – Akasha (Space), Vayu (Air), Teja (Fire), Jala (Water) and Prithvi (Earth). They are combined in an infinite variety of relative proportions such that each form of matter is distinctly unique. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are called Tridosas, which are three bodily humors. These Doshas are responsible for the physiological and psychological functions within the body and mind as dynamic forces that determine growth and decay. In Ayurveda, the structural and supporting units of the body are called Dhatu; these are seven in numbers (Saptadhatu). They are the basic tissues that play an important role in development, nourishment, sustaining the body, and they support the formation of the basic body structure. Ojas is an essence present in every Dhatu (tissue) and considered as Sara of all the seven Dhatus, starting from Rasa to Shukra. Ojas is responsible for consciousness, purity in thoughts, health, positivity in feelings in every situation, better immunity, longevity, intelligence, and memory. The three primary Malas (waste products) are Purisha (faeces), Mutra (urine), and Sveda (sweat). These are the waste products of food and the Dhatus (tissues) produced during the normal digestive and metabolic process. The biological fire that governs metabolism is called Agni, which is responsible for all the transformations in the body and mind. The digestion, absorption of food, cellular transformations all depend on Agni. So, Agni is responsible for whole sequences of chemical interactions and changes in the body and mind. Srotas are the inner transport system of the body that provides a platform for activities of important bio-factors like three Dosha, seven Dhatu, Ojas, Agni, thoughts, and emotions. Proper functioning of Srotas is necessary for transporting different materials to the site of their requirement. The blockage of Srotas causes many diseases.

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